
We’re currently updating STP’s website - so our pages are taking a bit of R & R.

The good news is we’re just about to release 5 BRAND-NEW titles for the 2019 Key Stage 2 SATs English tests which will all be available on Amazon shortly!

Here's a sneak peak at them!

KS2 English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Complete SATs Exam Question Book for the 2019 Tests (Year 6) (STP KS2 English Revision)
STP Books KS2 English Spelling SATs Practice Test Papers for the 2019 Tests: Paper 2 (Year 6) (STP KS2 English Revision)
STP Books KS2 English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 10-Minute Tests for the 2019 Tests – Book One (Year 6) (STP KS2 English SATs Essentials)
STP Books KS2 English Spelling Targeted SATs Practice Workbook for the 2019 Tests (Year 6) (STP KS2 English SATs Essentials)
STP Books KS2 English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling SATs Practice Test Papers for the 2019 Tests: Paper 1 – Book One (Year 6) (STP KS2 English Revision)

We’re working on pushing the updates out as quickly as possibly - so please bear with us.

In the meantime, thanks for stopping by and check back with us soon!