Spelling Words for 7th Grade: 2,000 Words Every Student Should Know
(Grade 7 English: Ages 12-13)

Retail Price RRP: $10.99 | Format: Paperback | Pages: 40
ISBN 13: 9781912956364

Help make spelling more appealing to your child with this collection of 70 brightly colored, fun-themed word lists!

  • Explore words related to topics that actually interest students (e.g. social media, photography, & spies)

  • Cover essential spelling rules for Grade 7 (e.g. Greek & Latin roots, word building, and homophones & near homophones)

  • Reinforce words used in other areas at school (e.g. physics, World War I, and figures of speech)

  • Target synonyms for key words that students overuse (e.g. ‘boring’, ‘lucky’, & ‘surprised’)

Plus, for your convenience,

  • Each list is made up of 25 to 30 words

  • This book includes an Index to the spelling rules, patterns, and themed areas dealt with by each of the lists