11+ Verbal Reasoning Sample 10-Minute Practice Test Paper: Multiple-Choice & Standard Format Answers (Ages 9 - 11)
Kindle Edition
Designed for candidates in Years 5 & 6 (ages 9 – 11) preparing for the 11+ and similar examinations, this eBook is a SAMPLE 10-Minute Practice Test Paper, consisting of questions similar in form and content to the types of questions used in actual examinations, including the following:
- Multiple Meanings
- Number Sequences
- Word & Letter Codes
- Missing Letters
- Related Numbers
- Paired Word Patterns
- Word Analogies
- Completing Sums
- Word & Number Codes
- Combining Words
This ebook also contains the following:
- 5 PAGES of EXPLANATIONS for ALL the answers to the questions in this volume:
- Each explanation shows why the correct solution is the correct solution
- Each explanation restates its respective question to save you jumping between the Practice Tests and the Explanations
- Explanations also include definitions as well as lists of synonyms and antonyms where appropriate
Click on the following links to go to STP's free E-ANSWER BOOKLETS and PRINTABLE ANSWER BOOKLETS for this Sample Practice Test:
11+ Verbal Reasoning Sample 10-Minute Practice Test Paper: E-Answer Booklet (.docx)
11+ Verbal Reasoning Sample 10-Minute Practice Test Paper: Printable Answer Booklet (.pdf)