KS2 SATs English Practice Papers: Grammar & Punctuation (for 2015) Levels 3 - 5: Tests 1, 2, 3 & 4 (Year 6)

(SATs Essentials Series) Kindle Edition

Designed specifically for the 2015 SATs, this volume comprises four FULL-LENGTH Grammar & Punctuation Practice Tests (Levels 3 – 5) which are closely modelled on the actual SATs papers of 2013 and 2014 in form, content, percentage of assessment areas, and difficulty levels. In addition, this volume contains the following:

  • 4 FULL SETS of ANSWERS which include
    • The MARKING SCHEME for each question
    • EXAMPLES of ADDITIONAL CORRECT ANSWERS for questions where there is more than one correct response
  • Complete MARKING GUIDELINES for all 4 tests, which are in line with those issued by the Standards & Testing Agency that provide
    • Additional help with assessing and marking particular questions
    • Examples of incorrect answers

Click on the following links to go to STP's free E-ANSWER BOOKLETS and PRINTABLE ANSWER BOOKLETS for each test in this volume:

KS2 SATs Grammar & Punctuation (Levels 3 - 5): E-Answer Booklets: Tests 1 - 4 (.docx)

KS2 SATs Grammar & Punctuation (Levels 3 - 5): Printable Answer Booklets: Tests 1 - 4 (.pdf)